Isaac Osborne is a certified Advanced RolferĀ©, licensed massage therapist, and a certified personal trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He has earned several certifications, including Accredited Exercise Therapist, XPT coach, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Functional Range Conditioning Specialist. With over 25 years of experience, he runs a full-time practice focusing on improving posture and relieving pain. Isaac combines various techniques from his extensive knowledge in Structural Integration and movement work to help individuals overcome chronic pain, enhance athletic performance, and address posture and movement issues.

Apart from his private practice, Isaac taught classes on the Rolf Method of Structural Integration for The Guild of Structural Integration, Posture Alignment Therapy for Egoscue Institute, and Anatomy for Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Isaac suffered from chronic lower back pain, headaches, and neck pain for more than a decade. He was able to relieve himself of pain by using posture therapy techniques and has been pain-free for over 20 years.

Isaac lives in Santa Barbara with his wife, two children, and dogs. He has created a new Posture, Strength, and Mobility training program to strive for optimum health and enjoys many activities, such as surfing and mountain biking.

To learn more about Isaacā€™s journey, please watch the video below.